
How to Buy VPS Safely Using Bitcoin?


VPS or Virtual Private Server is a blessingof information technology. Because of its easy access and cheaper price range, it is getting popularity. By using virtual technology it helps you to get devoted (i.e. personal) resources with a combination of a single server and different users.

Therefore, installation of a VPS is safer and perfectly suits for those whose webpage is not getting desired attention level. If you want to buy VPS bitcoin hosting, then you need to know certain things. Let us see the ways of buying VPS safely with bitcoin.

You should get a bitcoin

Before you opt for the installation of VPS, you need to hold a bitcoin. Now, bitcoin can be hold either through purchase or by mining. However, it is better to purchase Bitcoin.

The second possible way to get bitcoin is mining. By log in into the server of bitcoin, there is less change of earning one. Better option will be diving into the digging pool of bitcoin where you will find lots of investors sharing their reasons and benefits for buying bitcoin.

Time to look for suitable vendor

So, now you can proceed for the second step i.e. to look for a seller who used to sale VPS in exchange of bitcoin. Instead of hiring any broker it is better to continue your search through internet. But before choosing one make sure he is authentic enough.

Do a detailed verification

Don’t just select one randomly because there is high chance of being cheated. It has been observed many a times that imposters create a fake website just to loot bitcoin. For this reason, before selecting one, let’s verify his identity, make sure his social media accounts are authentic and also do not forget to complete the verification process by searching the name of the person and entity in ICANN WHOIS website. Because, only registered and verified people are available there.

Trey Rory
the authorTrey Rory